When to Use Image, Annotation and Photo Fields

Image, annotation and photo fields have similar characteristics. I’m going to explain when to use each one of these field types when using the FormConnect app.

An “Image” field contains an image on the form that is static meaning that it always appears on the form and rarely ever changes. The most common example used with this field type would be your company logo.

An “Annotation” Field contains an image on the form that is also static but can be annotated on. The annotations will be permanent as part of the customer record when you fill out the form. An example used with this field type would be a surgeon drawing on a body image to indicate where surgery is going to be performed.

A “Photo” field is a field that when tapped on invokes the iPad or iPhones camera so you can take a photo and insert it into a field on the form. You can create as many photo fields on your form and you can also annotate on the photo.

Image Field

Annotation Field

Photo Field

Note: The Annotation field type is only available when using the FormConnect Pro+ app.

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