Automating Tasks by Creating Scripts

If you create forms for other people in your organization that aren’t that technical, you might want to consider creating buttons on your form that when tapped on, perform a specific task. For example, you could add a button that saves the form and then exports it as a PDF to Google Drive or you could add two buttons that the user needs to press to perform each of those tasks. Below are several forms that have various buttons placed on them that perform certain tasks. One form has three buttons. When one of these buttons is tapped, it opens a different form. Each form then has two options. A “Save” button and a “Menu” button. The “Save” button saves the form and exports the form to Google Drive in the PDF format and the “Menu” button takes you back to the form that has the three forms to choose from.

To add buttons to a form, edit the form and add a new field called “Button Script.”

Note: Creating scripts is only available with the FormConnect Pro+ app.




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