Managing Storage When Using FormConnect Pro+

When using the FormConnect Pro+ app, it’s important to manage both your local and iCloud storage effectively to ensure that your forms and data sync properly across your devices.

How FormConnect Pro+ Uses Storage

When you complete a form in the FormConnect Pro+ app, the data is saved locally on your iOS or Mac device. If you are connected to the Internet, the app also syncs this data to Apple’s iCloud, allowing it to be accessed on other devices where you are running FormConnect Pro+. As a result, the form data consumes both local device storage and iCloud storage.

Potential Issues with Low Storage

If your device or iCloud account is low on storage, you may experience issues with syncing or exporting forms. To avoid these problems, it’s crucial to monitor your available storage regularly:

  1. Local Storage: When your local storage is running low, you can free up space by deleting unnecessary files, photos, or apps. Alternatively, consider upgrading to a newer iPad or iPhone model that offers more storage capacity.
  2. iCloud Storage: If you are nearing the limit of your iCloud storage, you can manage your data by deleting old backups, unused files, or purchasing additional iCloud storage from Apple. This ensures that your form data will continue to sync across all your devices seamlessly.

Keeping an eye on both local and cloud storage helps maintain the smooth operation of FormConnect Pro+, ensuring that your data is always backed up and accessible.



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