How to Collect and Use Jobsite Data

We got some free publicity recently when an e-magazine wrote an article about how a concrete polishing company is using FormConnect for collecting and using job site data.

Below is a summary of some of the highlights of the article.

Trading paper for tablets

Ardor Solutions uses an electronic data collection system that starts with the estimate and bid. Using an iPad tablet computer and a customizable business form app, the estimator inputs projected tasks with time allotments, manpower needed, and costs. A color-coded screenshot of the estimate gives the foreman and crew an image of the project, tasks to be completed, and what was bid. While on the job, crew members also use a tablet to fill out a daily time card, which is broken out by tasks performed.

“Our time sheets are different from clock-in, clock-out,” Gressette explains. “Each column is a task. The employee times his own task and measures it. The foreman verifies it, and tracks the overall job.”

If an employee goes over the estimated task time, there are opportunities in the field report in which it’s packaged to explain why.

Free digital field reports

The time sheets are part of a 15-page digital field report that’s filled out and emailed to the home office at the end of each day. Although 15 pages may seem like a lot, Gressette says the report is simple to fill out, and the technology is easy to use. He uses the FormConnect business app (, which allows users to customize business forms and use iPads like they would notepads or clipboards.

The field report is a series of multiple choice, drop-down lists that are used to input everything from drive times and mileage to floor conditions and tasks completed (including square footage, diamonds used, and passes made) to equipment and materials used. Also included are daily gloss and texture readings.

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