Check Boxes, Radio Buttons and Drop Down Menus

People often get confused as to the differences between check boxes, radio buttons and dropdown menus. Below is a brief explanations,

A check box (tick box) is a field type that permits the user to make a binary choice between one of two mutually exclusive options. Either the item is ticked or not ticked. In the screen shot below, the check boxes are Flat Panel TV and Front Projector.

A radio button is a field type that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options (i.e., Yes or No, Male or Female). In the screen shot below, the radio button choices are Local and Rack. Notice that only one choice can be selected.

A drop down menu allows you to create a list of items, but only one item from the list can be chosen. It’s similar to a radio button with the exception that the choices are not physically displayed on the screen except for when you tap on the menu to view the choices.

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