Use FormConnect to Go Paperless

If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know that the FormConnect app’s primary function is to allow you to design forms for collecting data on your iPhone or iPad device. But it’s the ability to use these devices to go paperless that really makes the FormConnect app a productivity tool. Without the iPhone or iPad, the form you created would be nothing more than a paper document. You would fill it out with pen or pencil and store the completed copy in a file cabinet for later retrieval.

A paperless solution (a digital form) is far superior to the paper document. It is with you at all times on your iPhone or iPad. It can be called up in a moment’s notice if necessary, stored digitally in the cloud and shared with customers and employees that require copies of the completed form.

Below are some sample forms created using the FormConnect app on an iPhone or iPad device. Try to imagine what it would be like to complete these forms on paper without your smart phone or tablet device.

IMG_1324  IMG_1326 IMG_1329


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