FormConnect Pro+ is Now Available on the Mac App Store

It’s been seven years since we received our first request to bring the FormConnect app to the Mac and it’s now available on the Mac App Store. FormConnect Pro+ is the functional equivalent of the iOS version. It contains all of the same features and commands so you will immediately be proficient with this version if you are transitioning.

You might be wondering who the FormConnect Pro+ for Mac app is targeted for? There are several use cases:

  • Some people prefer to use a bigger screen and a mouse to design their forms.
  • There might be someone in your office that has a Mac but does not have an iPad.
  • Lots of people have both an iPad, an iPhone and a Mac so it makes sense to allow them to switch between devices.
  • The Mac has a local backup system that can be used to store your forms.

1 thought on “FormConnect Pro+ is Now Available on the Mac App Store”

  1. Pingback: FormConnect – 2021 In Review | Form Connections

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