FormConnect V3.4 Now Rolling Out with Exciting New Features

We are excited to announce the rollout of FormConnect V3.4 to the App Store! This latest version brings a host of new features and improvements, designed to enhance your experience and keep our apps running smoothly on the latest devices.

We are starting the release with FormConnect Pro and FormConnect Pro+, with plans to release FormConnect Basic later this week. Here’s what you can expect in this update:

  • iOS 18 and iPadOS Support: Seamless compatibility with the latest iOS and iPadOS versions.
  • Enhanced Icon Support: Now supports light, dark, and tinted icons for a more personalized experience.
  • Dictation Feature: You can now enable dictation in text fields, allowing for hands-free form completion.
  • Data Transfer Between Apps: Easily transfer data between different FormConnect apps, streamlining your workflow across platforms.

Stay tuned for the release of FormConnect Basic, and be sure to update your apps to enjoy these new features!

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