Installing FormConnect on Another iOS Device

If you bought a new iPhone or iPad recently and traded in your old device, you are probably going to need to re-install the FormConnect app on that device. This entails opening the App Store app, searching for the FormConnect app and downloading it onto your new device. The app is then opened and lo and behold, your forms are missing. All that is there are the sample forms that came with the app. But what happened to your forms?

Forms that you created are not stored in the app that is downloaded from the App Store. Your forms are stored on the iOS device itself. Only if you do some form of backup of your data using iTunes or iCloud or use the iCloud syncing feature that is part of FormConnect Pro+ app are you guaranteed that your forms will be restored.

I share this tidbit as a warning that many of our customers are not taking backup seriously enough. The forms that you have created and the customer data that you have saved are a critical part of your business and the loss of that data could have an impact on how well you are able to perform your job and may also have a financial impact on your business as well.

So, please make sure that you have backed up your forms and data on a regular basis. Store your forms where you can easily have access to them if you ever need them.

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