Why the iPad Camera is so Useful

Lots of people joke about the iPad’s camera and why would you need just a big view finder to take a picture. But these same people don’t understand the power of being able to  use a productivity app such as FormConnect that utilizes the full screen of the iPad for filling out a form and then can take a photo and immediately incorporate it into that form. Imagine if you had to take your photos with your iPhone or a separate camera and then had to sync those photos to your iPad so that you could import them into the form. What a waist of time and duplication of effort.

Below is a sample culvert inspection form that one of our customers fills out while performing their job. They do approximately 200 of these inspections every day and take two photos per inspection using the iPad’s camera. If you multiply the 200 inspections x the two photos, that’s 400 photos taken every day. So if anyone ever mocks the use of the iPad camera and its usability, share with them this user scenario.

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