Linking Multiple Forms Together

A new feature that was added to the latest version of the FormConnect Pro+ was the ability to link two or more forms together. It’s now possible to fill out one form and have the data in that form update a multiple forms. The benefit of this linkage is to save you time during data entry. Lots of forms have common information such as contact data (name, address, city, state, zip, email address, phone number, etc.). Rather than having to re-enter this data multiple times, if you link these forms together and define the fields that are related, you will reduce the amount of time performing data entry and thus increase your productivity.

The Form Linker can be accessed by tapping on the Link button on the toolbar and then defining the relationship between the forms and fields that you want to establish a link.

In the example below, a link has been established between three forms, the parent form (Contacts) and the two linked forms (Insurance and Invoice). Each of these forms has various fields associated with them and you have to define the relationship between them. Once you have established the relationship, when you fill out one form, the other two forms will automatically be updated.

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