Restoring a Deleted Form

Many people who use the FormConnect and FormConnect Pro apps are under the misconception that they can recover a  deleted form. This is not correct. The form and data are saved locally to the iPad or iPhone’s disk drive and if the form is deleted, there is not a way to recover it. Only the FormConnect Pro+ app allows you to recover a deleted form and this is because when the form is being filled out, the app saves it locally and then syncs it to iCloud where it can then be accessed at a later time if it ever needs to be retrieved.

Do you need this capability? Maybe. Think of how your job would be disrupted if your forms ever got deleted. You would have to revert to a paper form. You would not have access to all your customer records. You wouldn’t be able to email the completed form back to your office or to your customer.

The FormConnect Pro+ app is like an insurance policy. It protects you from catastrophic incidents by making you whole again if you were to lose any of the forms that you created or the data collected using the app. You may never need this ability to restore a form or recover data, but if the day ever occurs, we hope you’ve updated to the FormConnect Pro+ app to to take advantage of this capability.

Why would you ever need to restore a lost form that got deleted? It happens more often then you think. Something goes awry with an app update that corrupts your database. Your iPad or iPhone got stolen. You bought a new device and you don’t have the most current backup.

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