One of the most important things you can do to protect your data is to back your forms up on a regular basis. Consider what it would be like if your iPad were damaged or stolen. What if the form that contains all of your customer records became inaccessible? Do you have a backup plan to recover from any of these scenarios?
If you don’t have a backup plan, you’re could be in for a rude awakening. You might not be able recover your customer database. Consider the impact to your business if all of a sudden, you are not able to access your customer records. Would you have to revert to paper forms again?
Most people don’t think about a backup plan until after the fact. We often get a phone call from a panicked customer that tells us that they have been using our FormConnect app for several years and can’t access their data. Our first question is “do you have a backup?” When the answer is “No”, there is not much we can do to assist.
That is why we have introduced “Form Sync” as part of the Pro+ subscription plan. It automatically backs up your forms and data and syncs them to Apple’s iCloud service. iCloud securely stores your forms and keeps them updated across all your iPad and iPhone devices. It’s like an insurance policy for lost data. The cost is $12/year for the automatic backup of your forms. Is $12/year worth it? Maybe. What is the cost to your business for not having access to your customer records?