Every year towards the end of September, Apple introduces new hardware models (iPhones and iPads) and software updates (iOS 13). If you are planning to purchase new hardware or upgrading your existing devices to the new software, it is recommended that you back up all of your forms and data before upgrading. We have made this super easy for existing FormConnect users when you subscribe to FormConnect Pro+. All of your forms will be backed up to Apple’s iCloud and will be automatically synced when our app is installed on your new device.
Please also be aware that the rollout of iOS 13 will be a little different this year in that there will be two versions released within five days of each other. iOS 13.0 will be released on September 19th for the iPhone only and iOS 13.1 will be released on September 24th for both the iPhone and iPad. If you are in no hurry to get the latest iOS update, I would recommend waiting until September 24th and install iOS 13.1 on both your iPhone and iPad devices.
To support iOS 13 and iOS 13.1, we will be releasing an app update (v2.3) towards the end of this week for both the FormConnect and FormConnect Pro apps. If you intend to stick with iOS 12, the v2.3 update will be backwards compatible.